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New and Reemerging Infectious Disease

Kaylee Garrett​​

Southeastern University


        The most crucial problem in the next 10 years in the medical field, will be new and reemerging infectious diseases that are resistant to antibiotics. Not only will antibiotic resistant diseases start to happen but also virus mutations and the evolution of infectious disease[1]. Thus, a solution must directly address these issues. I propose creating screening test to find specific virus strand to cut down of over medicating and developing stronger drug formulas, will yield the best results.


        New and reemerging infectious diseases are becoming resistant to antibiotics. This specifically addresses virus mutations and the evolution of infectious diseases. Virus mutation such as the Influenza Virus (Flu) is rapidly changing their structures[2]. A 66-year-old male patient came into his primary care physician’s office. He presented with a high fever, body aches, deep dry cough, and extreme tiredness persisting for three days with symptoms getting worse. Upon exam, the physicians suspected the patient may have a serve case of the flu.  A rapid flu test confirmed the physicians fear when it came back positive. The patient had gotten a flu shot before flu season. However, getting a flu shot does not protect against all strains of the Influenza Virus. The flu shot contains only four different strains of the Influenza Virus and is produced months before the peak of flu season. In the time leading up to giving the shot to individuals, the virus has time to mutate. This results in hundreds and thousands of different strains of the Influenza Virus. Evolution of infectious disease are harder to combat like the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).  HIV attacks a person’s immune system like any virus but the individual’s immune system infected does not every rebuild[3]. Since the immune system is not able to build antibodies against HIV scientist are unable to develop an effective vaccine. Posing another problem, individuals with Human Immunodeficiency Virus are likely to become resistant to medication taken to help slow down the progression of the disease. Both virus mutation and the evolution of infectious diseases are becoming increasable dangerous to treat patients for.


        Medical professionals are racing the clock to develop solutions to counteract infectious diseases that have become resistant to antibiotics. By establishing screening test to find specific virus strands and generating stronger drug formulas may cut down on over medicating yielding the best results. Screening test are designed to “detect potential health disorders or diseases in people”[4]. This early detection helps physicians and patients to create the best treatment plan suited for their case. With some modifications to existing screening test, medical device developer could create a screening test to identify specific strains in a virus like the flu. Thus, allowing doctors to prescribe medication for that specific strain. This will decrease giving general medications that treat 15 different infections resulting in a faster recovery for the patient. Developing virus strain screening test will reduce the number of patients who become immune to certain drugs giving to treat many different infections. An improved screening test will not only combat mutating virus’s but also help to generate new stronger drug formulas because medical developers will have new virus strains to analysis. The federal drug administration (FDA) is encouraging drug developer to create new antibiotics[5]. Drug makers are hesitant to formulate new drugs. Generating stronger antibiotics mean individuals would not need to be on antibiotics for a long duration of time and are not going to need multiple sets of antibiotics. Resulting in drug companies getting paid less money. Whether creating screening test and developing stronger drug formulas are the best solutions that is one’s opinion but someone needs to come up with doable solutions soon.


       In the past, the medical field has made several advances for the better. This ranges from robotic arms doing surgery to simple post-surgery care instructions. What goes untalked about in the problems the medical community will face in the next 10 year. This in included but not limited to new and reemerging infectious diseases that are resistant to antibiotics. I propose creating screening test to find specific virus strand to cut down of over medicating and developing stronger drug formulas, will produce the best results.









[1] Influenza Virus (Flu). Baylor College of Medicine. Accessed March 30, 2017.

[2] Blendon RJ, Desroches C. Future Health Care Challenges. Issues in Science and Technology. Accessed March 30, 2017.

[3] The Development of MIV Vaccines. History of Vaccines. Accessed March 30, 2017

[4] Screening Tests for Common Diseases. Screening Tests for Common Diseases | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library.,P00965/. Accessed March 30, 2017.


[5] Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Information for Consumers (Drugs) - Battle of the Bugs: Fighting Antibiotic Resistance. U S Food and Drug Administration Home Page. Accessed March 30, 2017.




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